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Archive of News Articles

New Cedia Member - Northern Ireland Institute of Agricultural Science (NIIAS)
Cedia Spring Seminar and Board Meeting, Rome 16th to 18th February 2012
The I.S.L.E Erasmus Networks Project
Two New FAO HLPE Reports Available
Navigating the Perfect Storm: The Challenge of Food, Water and Energy Security
Feeding a Thirsty World: Challenges and Opportunities for a Water and Food Secure Future
EFITA Newsletter #579 (8 October 2012)
Cedia Seminar, General Assembly and Board Meeting Dublin 17th /18th June 2011
New Cedia Member - Northern Ireland Institute of Agricultural Science (NIIAS)
ASA Ireland Conference 2011
NIIAS Celebrates its 50th Anniversary in Style
Cedia President addresses XVI CONAF Congress
Huge Appetite for CAP Info among Agriculture Graduates in Ireland
ELCAP - E-Learning Course on the Common Agricultural Policy
Agricultural Biodiversity and Food Prices (FAO World Food Day initiative) 
Smallholders And Food Price Volatility (FAO World Food Day initiative)
Evergreen Agriculture (FAO World Food Day initiative)
Climate Change Cuts Global Wheat and Corn Output
BIOS working paper: Transnational Governance of Synthetic Biology
Knowledge, Networks and Nations
Reaping the Benefits - Science and the sustainable intensification of global agriculture
Global Food Losses and Food Waste
EU Directive 2005/36 on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
High and Volatile Food Prices Continue to Threaten the World’s Poor
2011 International Farm Management Congress in New Zealand
Food labelling: Study shows benefits of portion information
EU seeks clarity over soaring food prices
Global and EU agricultural exports rebound
GCHERA Conference 2011 - Newsletter 4
ICA e-Newsletter April 2011
The Oxford Farming Conference 4-6 January 2011
Agronomists' influence increases - Farmers Weekly (UK) Poll
Cedia Autumn Conference 2010 - Brussels 30th Sept to 1st October
Cedia President addresses Conaf National Congress, Italy Sept 2010
Cedia Employment Conference - Berlin 14th & 15 th January 2010
ProSafeBeef Newsletter Autumn 2010
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook
ICA eNewsletter July 2010
ICA Conference - Zagreb, June 2010 Presentations
DEFRA - UK Food Strategy
Syngenta 3rd Forum for the Future of Agriculture
ICA e-Newsletter April 2010
ProSafeBeef Newsletter Spring 2010
Hunger Task Force (Report to the Government of Ireland)
EU Agricultural Trade: Back on Track?
APLU-ICA Conference 2010
Cedia / ICA Conference Leuven June 2009 Powerpoint presentations
Cedia / ICA Conference Leuven June 2009 Book of Abstracts
ICA e-Newsletter October 2009
ICA e-Newsletter July 2009
ICA Association for European Life Science Universities Newsletter
Irish Agricultural Science Association (ASA) Career Service
The Agricultural Profession In Cyprus
Agriculture - A major driver of economic recovery
Council of EU adopt Common Agricultural Policy "Health Check"
The Bologna Process
International Assessment of Ag Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
Biofuels: Environmental Consequences and Interactions with Changing Land Use
Nitrogen Fertilizer: Agricultural Breakthrough--And Environmental Bane
World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development
The First G8 Agriculture Minister's Meeting
G-14 Farmer leaders meet in Treviso
Vilsack selected as Obama's secretary of agriculture
IV World Congress of Agronomists and Professional in Agronomy
Royal Ag. Society of England Report on Current State of Soil and Water Management
European Education and Training
Kofi Annan warns financial crisis no excuse for inaction
ASA (Ireland) Digest
Cedia Lleida Presentation
Cedia Newsletter Summer 2008
The Evolving Economics of Ethanol
Informa Economics 2007 Agriculture Policy Roundtable Commodity Market Update
Cedia Newsletter Spring 2008
Indian Agriculture and Policy in Transition
Ethanol Industry - Impact on US corn and DGS production
Energy Frontier Research Centers
Climate Change Report
Food production must rise by 50 per cent
Health Check to modernise the CAP and free farmers to respond to growing demand
President Bush Vetos US Farm Bill
UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme WWAP
IDABC and Beyond - Avoiding Digital Barriers
ProSafeBeef Newsletter
Why the poorest need a Doha deal - Peter Mandelson
OECD Environmental Outlook to 2030
Inter-Governmental Report Aims To Set New Agenda For Global Food Production
Food Price Surge Could Mean ‘7 Lost Years’ in Poverty Fight
USDA Report - Corn Prices and Rising Food Costs 
The Essence of Engineering and Meta Engineering - A Work in Progress
World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development
Africa's Turn - A new Green Revolution for the 21st Century
Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
Presentations from Cedia Louvain Seminar 30 Nov 2007
Minutes of Cedia Louvain Board Meeting 1st December 2007
Towards the CAP Health Check and the European Budget Review
UN Environment Programme Global Environment Outlook
The States and the Union – A Divided or Deepening Relationship?
Adapting to climate change in Europe – options for EU action
Growing Growing bio-fuel demand underpinning higher agriculture prices
The European Research Area - New Perspectives
Economic Impact of Unapproved GMOs on EU Feed Imports and Livestock Production
EU: eGovernment in the European countries
Rural Ireland 2025 Foresight Launch
Report on Cedia Meeting in Brussels 14th-15th December 2006
Minutes of the December 2006 Board Meeting
Minutes of General Assembly 29th April 2006 (Limassol)
Minutes of April 2006 Board Meeting (Limassol)
Presentaion on CEDIA Organisation - Armagh, February 2006 (Alberto Krohn)

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the 3rd of December 2005

Minutes of Meeting of the Employment Services of the 30th of September 2005 (Barr)

Minutes of Board Meeting 10th of September 2005 (Leuven)
Minutes of the General Assembly 28th of May 2005 (Rome)