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Minutes of the General Assembly 28th of May 2005

The General Assembly of the CEDIA took place at the Hotel Albani Via Adda 45 00198 Rome

1- Welcome and opening P. Deram

P. Deram opens the General Assembly, restating that he shall not be a candidate to the Presidency for another term.


2 - Annual Activity Report of the CEDIA for 2004/2005 P. Deram

P.Deram makes a review of the activity of the CEDIA during the duration of his mandate.

-One of the targets of the CEDIA was to increase the number of its members. Some limited success was achieved: Italy and Sweden joined but no progress has been made with other countries like Spain or Austria and the new member states. Lots of difficulties were met in the identification of the appropriate contacts and the follow up of the candidates by the associations in charge of approaching them.

-The contacts with other Associations have been continuing: the relations with ICA are excellent and the CEDIA has participated in a number of the meetings they have organised and have shared with them the organisation of others. With the IAAS it is always difficult to keep contacts as its management changes every year their interest is not demonstrated. With the CLAUI, some contacts have taken place but they remained punctual without common activities.

-The relations with the European Commission have been limited to some contacts. The organisation of a meeting with other European Associations related to agriculture, financed by the Commission, has not been approved by the Commission, limiting the possibility for the CEDIA to develop its contacts.

-Update of the Website: the update itself has been a success but the difficulty is to make it work in the absence of participation from the members of the CEDIA.

-On the financial side, the presentation of the accounts has been clarified and financial issues like the settling of the ATTEA case have been completed. The sound results leading to an increase of the capital are unfortunately mainly related to a low level of activity and not to an increased income.

-News Letter: none has been published in 2004 and only one was produced in 2005 so far. It is very insufficient; an adequate number should be about three to four per year.

-Board activity: each country is in charge of an activity and the performances have not been heaven: the work on the News Letter by Portugal has been good, the follow up of the finances by Switzerland has been very good, the work on the Website by Germany was not adequate etc.

-The development of the activities of the CEDIA has not been a success.

There was no conference in Sweden in 2003 and 2004. The CEDIA shared a conference with the ICA in 2002 and a participation in the ICA conference in 2004. No other activity took place.

-The Employment Services meetings have been only partly successful. Though the participation in the Paris meeting was satisfactory and the discussions fruitful, the impact on the organisation of the Employment Services of the associations was nil. The Bonn meeting was not a success as only two Employment Services were represented by their staff, the other attendants being the Administrators themselves. In addition, no minutes have been produced.

The activity of the CEDIA is extremely limited, partly because the Administrators have only a limited amount of time to devote to the CEDIA but also because the members don’t see clearly which benefit they expect from it. This perception is partly due to the limited activity itself: a vicious circle.

3 – Approval of the accounts of 2004 C.Verheyden

In the absence of the treasurer, C.Verheyden, H.H. Joergensen presents the accounts of 2004 and the progress of the accounts of 2005.

The following comments are made:

Fees: the fees of Portugal (2000 EUR), Italy (2000 EUR) and Cyprus (250 EUR) have not been paid so far but are expected shortly.

The interest paid to the EU Commission for the ATTEA project are leaving a credit represented by the difference between a provision of 12 818 EUR and a real payment of 9451 EUR.

The excess of expenses for the Website comes from a decision of the Board to spend more than budgeted in order to progress immediately with the renovation of the Website, using the excess of cash of the finances of the CEDIA.

D. Karlson notes that the cost of the renovation of the site seems high to him compared with the cost of a similar operation in Sweden. This point shall be investigated further later.

The accounts for 2004 and the progress for 2005 are approved at unanimity.

4- Election of the new President of the CEDIA eldest Administrator

As a conclusion, P.Deram asks the most senior member of the General Assembly to undertake the election of the new President. S.Gaule supervises the election.

S. Gaule thanks P.Deram for his activity as President of the CEDIA during three years.

Alberto Krohn da Silva is proposed as the candidate for the Presidency of the CEDIA.

Alberto Krohn da Silva is elected at unanimity as the new President of the Board of the CEDIA.

The General Assembly proceeds under the new Presidency.

5 - Program of activities of the CEDIA for 2005-2006 Presidency

The new President addresses the members of the General Assembly, stressing that the CEDIA has to give more to its members.

His goals are:

-The enlargement of the CEDIA following the enlargement of the European Community.

-The organisation of an annual Conference. None took place since the one in 2002 organise jointly with the ICA.

-The publication of three News Letters a year. Articles are expected from Italy and Switzerland on the organisation of their associations and a summary of the meeting with the FAO shall be written for the News Letter.

-Contacts with the EU Commission have to be resumed.

Alberto Krohn da Silva insists that the CEDIA has to do things for its members on subjects like the support of the organisation of Employment Services or Life Long training.

He also would like to know what is the state of art of the agronomist in all the countries of Europe(not only the CEDIA members). He shall send shortly a letter to the members requesting their views on the subject. It shall also cover the role and the activity of the agronomist in Europe.

S.Gaule comments that the changes and challenges that the agronomist is facing shall be part of these views, leading to the type of Life Long Training that shall be requested.

The President shall prepare an action plan with action items clearly identified for the next 12 months.

6 – Presentation, approval of the 2006 budget and determination of the fees for 2006 C.Verheyden

The budget for 2006 is presented and accepted in its content.

K.Hansen notes that considering the financial situation and the absence of a program of actions requesting a financing, the fees could be reviewed accordingly. After discussion, it is agreed at unanimity that only half of the fees for 2006 shall be called immediately, the remaining amounts shall be called by the Board according to the progress of the expenses and according to the needs.

7 - Nomination of the auditor C.Verheyden

H.H. Joergensen is proposed to remain in charge of the position of Auditor.

The proposal is agreed at unanimity.

8 – Acceptation of Mr Daniel KARLSON as new Administrator for Sweden (Re Admission of Sweden as member) Presidency

The re admission of Sweden and the nomination of Daniel Karlson as Administrator are agreed at unanimity.

9 - Confirmation of the mandate of new Board members Presidency

The Associations are requested to present officially their candidates as administrators of the CEDIA.

Several countries have already decided on the name of the Administrators that shall represent them.

France: P.Deram shall remain the Administrator for France, with Christian Monier from the UNIA as deputy.

H.Kjeld shall be confirmed by his Board.

S. Gaule shall also be confirmed by his Board.

S.Vergos, G.Photiou, D.Karlson, A. Krohn da Silva shall be the future Administrator representing their respective countries.

The letters of nomination of all the future Administrators shall be sent as soon as possible.

10 - Proposals for the Annual Conference and General Assembly to be held in 2006 All

No proposal is made for a Conference in 2005.

Cyprus is candidate for hosting the General Assembly of 2006. End of April seems preferable. Cyprus shall come back on that subject.

11 - Miscellaneous All

Next Board Meeting: It is decided that the next Board Meeting shall be held separately from the Employment Services Meeting, the 10th of September in Brussels.

The President shall confirm this proposal.