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Minutes of Board Meeting of September the 10th 2005

Location: Leuven
At 10h00 at the Faculty of Agronomy FBIW Leuven

Document 1e - Minutes

1 – Approval of the minutes of the Board Meeting of May the 28th 2005 L. Tirelli

The minutes are approved at unanimity without comment.

2 – Report of activities since May

2.1 – Program for 2005/2006 A. Krohn

A.KROHN introduces the program of the activities he intends to undertake during his mandate. He insists that the CEDIA should run activities that are useful for the members.

The program that shall be read has attachment N°1 shall be declined in an action program attributed to members with tasks and deadlines for the next Board Meeting.

2.2 – Financial situation and fees C.Verheyden

Five countries have paid their fees for 2005. Portugal, Italy and Cyprus have not paid yet the 2004 fee.

C.VERHEYDEN shall send them reminders.

Deposit KUL: a contribution of 545 Euros from KUL was registered in 1998 but the payment had not been made. This credit had been kept in the accounts since that date. The payment has now been made and the credit cleared on the balance sheet.

The outstanding payments due to EMMA have been paid.

Following these operations the accounts are now cleared from any over standing operation.

The accounts are registered under attachment 2 and 3.

3 – Progress of the work

3.1 – News Letter: A. Krohn

The second News Letter of 2005 has been published and may be found on the Website. Though it is a big progress over 2004, it remains insufficient in terms of number of article produced. The description of the Italian association that should have been prepared by the CONAF has not been received.

L.Tirelli shall chase the CONAF and this article is expected for the next News Letter.

3.2 – Internet Site:

Switzerland offered to give a close look to the Website activity in order to propose a contribution for the future by the end of the year.

L.Tirelli shall send them the notes that have been written and the references of the decisions taken that have lead to the update of the site to its present condition.

Meanwhile all the actions decided in previous meetings shall be undertaken. In particular, the creation of a network of Employment Services and the gathering of information on Life Long Training programs for their presentation on the Website shall take place, as decided during the Board Meeting of February 2005.

L.Tirelli shall resend all the relevant documents and answers are expected without delay from the Associations. He shall create the sub pages in the active page “NEWS” as soon as the information is available.

The statistics of visits to the site are showing a decline from about 70 a day in February/March when it was fed regularly to about 40 to day, after the interruption of the “feeding” of the site in April/May.

In order to restore a better performance, L.Tirelli shall provide the site with agendas of meetings, fairs etc. found on Internet.

The Associations are requested to introduce in the site all the Email addresses to which they want to see messages sent.

In particular, we have to advise people of the publication of the latest News Letter but only a few countries have completed the registration of their list of addresses.

L.Tirelli shall send reminders to all the Associations.

3.3 – Employment Services Meeting H.Schmid

H.Schmid has organised the meeting outside the airport of Zurich. He shall pick up the participants at the airport, bring them to the place in the previous afternoon and he has organised a visit of Zurich in the evening.

Six participants are expected for the time being: France, Denmark, Germany, Cyprus, and Switzerland. A.KROHN expects to convince the Portuguese Association of the south of the country (the biggest one) to join the meeting.

H.Schmid expects high ranking staff from the HR services of Syngenta and Nestlé to join. These companies have shown an interest in our services for searching candidates for very specific and “rare” profiles. That development is very much in line with the orientation that CEDIA wants to give to its activity.

The Board proposes that L.Tirelli who is experienced in working with multinationals joins the meeting and contributes in the discussions.

4 – Preparation of the annual conference All

4.1 –Proposals from the Administrators

The Board considers that organising a stand alone conference in 2006 is not realistic considering the time required to put in place such a meeting. The decision is made to approach ICA and see how the CEDIA can collaborate in their conference, but at much higher level then in 2005.

The contact shall be established by A.KROHN and the follow up made by L.Tirelli as appropriate.

The Board considers that the preparation of the Conference of 2007 shall start without delay. A first note shall be prepared jointly by A.KROHN and L.TIRELLI covering points like possible themes, location, invited associations or bodies, dates etc. The purpose of that note is to be used as a base for discussions during the next Board Meeting.

4.2-Relations with third parties: program of activities All


The new and the former President of the IAAS were met by A. Krohn, C.Verheyden and L.TIrelli the day preceding the Board Meeting in Leuven as this association is hosted in this university.

Former President: Ninkabou Idrissou (2004/2005). nidhris@hotmail.com

New President: Tord Steiro (2005/2006). t-steiro@gmail.com

The CEDIA described its activities and more especially what it expects to do for the Employment Services that shall be of interest for young graduates.

The discussion ran also around the possibility of using a network of job services for the search of stages.

The possibility of identifying agronomists associations in the new member states through the IAAS associations was investigated. The IAAS suggested that the CEDIA contacts directly its national associations whose addresses are available on their site: (http//www.iaasworld.org) and that we shall fall back on the President if necessary.

The Boards considers that it could be interesting to invite an IAAS representative at our next Board Meeting.


A.KROHN, C.VERHEYDEN and L.TIRELLI have met Belgian staff of the permanent Belgian representation at the EU Commission. The purpose was to identify areas of common interest between the Commission and CEDIA.

The persons met have been:

M.HOSTENS in charge of agriculture and fisheries

Mme DEMESMAEKERS more concerned with the program TAIEX.

TAIEX: this program from the Commission (Technical Assistance Information Exchange) has for purpose the organisation of short missions from experts in the New Member states, Balkan states, Mediterranean states and Russian republics. The purpose is to bring expertise in the official sectors of these states through missions, workshops, conferences etc.

The demanding country proposes a project to the Commission for agreement. The mission is then introduced on a specific site from the Commission.

The experts have to be members from Official Bodies: administrations, state research organisations etc. or Mandated Bodies that are institutions outside the administrations like universities or research organisations that have been agreed and registered by the Commission.

The experts from the private sector are not accepted.

The experts agreed by the Commission receive a password and may consult the list of the missions offered on Internet and then propose themselves for the missions.

A large number of missions are offered and many concern agriculture as this sector of activity is of great importance in most of the demanding countries.

Program MARIE CURIE: this program targets more specifically the exchange of research staff between the same countries than TAIEX. The current frame program for research in Europe is the sixth one.

TWINNING is a program of assistance to the same countries than TAIEX and for the same groups of experts but it concerns long term assistance to the beneficiary administration (1 or 2 years). They are many projects in agriculture aiming at upgrading the relevant administrations of the demanding countries.

ODYSSEE is a program of exchange for young graduates. The information has to be completed.

All these programs have a Internet site.

The CEDIA could contribute efficiently by making this program known to its members via its Website and the Website of its national associations.

The CEDIA shall approach the relevant departments of the EU Commission and discuss how it shall contribute in the identification of experts via its associations.

Information on the personal in the EU Commission: the site IDEA gives all the personnel from the commission.

The discussion with the Belgian staff of their permanent representation has been extremely fruitful.

The Board requests that the Associations establish a contact with their national representations and organise similar meetings in order to find areas of collaboration between the CEDIA and the Commission.

The Board also requests that the Associations identify agronomists from their country working in the Commission and establish a contact with them for future meetings and discussion on their activity.

4.3 – Employment Services Meeting H.Schmid

H.Schmid has organised the meeting outside the airport of Zurich. He shall pick up the participants at the airport, bring them to the place in the previous afternoon and he has organised a visit of Zurich in the evening.

Six participants are expected for the time being: France, Denmark, Germany, Cyprus, and Switzerland. A.KROHN expects to convince the Portuguese Association of the south of the country (the biggest one) to join the meeting.

H.Schmid expects high ranking staff from the HR services of Syngenta and Nestlé to join. These multinational companies have shown an interest in our services for searching candidates for very specific and “rare” profiles. That development is very much in line with the orientation that CEDIA wants to give to its activity.

The Board proposes that L.Tirelli who is experienced in working with multinationals joins the meeting and contributes in the discussions.

5 – Miscellaneous

5.1-Designation of the Administrators by their Associations All

L.Tirelli shall ask again that the associations nominate officially their representatives to the Board. He shall resend the model of letter that shall be addressed to the CEDIA.

The election of the second Vice President replacing A.KROHN has not taken place as too many administrators were absent.

5.2–Next meetings

Two dates are proposed for the next Board Meeting: the 26th of November or the 3d of December. There is a strong preference amongst the Board for the last date.

An Extraordinary General Assembly shall take place at the same occasion. The purpose of that GA is to endorse the modification of the statutes to comply with the new legal requirements of Belgium.

The new statutes are going to be proposed by C.VERHEYDEN after a consultation with professors of the Law Faculty in Leuven.

The location shall be Brussels as meetings with the EU Commission shall be organised the day before. If absolutely required, the meeting may be organised in Vienna in order to associate it with a meeting with ICA for the organisation of the Conference of 2006. Vienna has been chosen as the place for the following Board Meeting with the purpose of meeting ICA and investigate on the Austrian Association of Agronomists.