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We are pleased to welcome, and introduce you to the website of CEDIA, the European Confederation of Agronomists Associations. This body brings together under the one umbrella the representative organisations and associations of agronomists from several European countries. It is the European representative body of national associations of agronomists.

Our individual members are graduates in Agricultural sciences / engineering. Please follow the links below for more information on our organisation:

 >> CEDIA-ICA Conference 2017 - 4-5 May Vienna Austria
 >> WAA
Expo Milan
Feeding the planet Energy for Life
Cedia Spring Meeting 2016
 >> Universal Charter for the Agricultural Agronomist
 >> Making the case for Evidence Based Agriculture
Cedia Members at Spring Meeting April 14 -15 2016 Geneva Region, Switzerland
1 -
Presentation of CEDIA
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Historical Background
3 -
Member Associations
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5 -
Charter for the European agronomist
5.1 -
European Qualifications Framework
5.2 -
Member Associations Implementation
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Organisation of CEDIA
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Annual European Conferences
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Careers and Job Services
9 -
Continuous Professional Development
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Other important activities
10.1 -
World Association of Agronomists
10.2 -
EU Community Programmes
10.3 -
Green Lunches
10.4 -
Leuven Seminars
10.5 -
Representation, Enquiries and Newsletter
10.6 -
Conferences, Seminars and Meetings
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