of the Board Meeting of the 1st of December 2007
Venue: Louvain Irish Institute
for Europe
At 9h30
In the absence
of the President A. Krohn, the meeting was chaired by the first
Vice President: Sean Gaule.
1 - Approval of the minutes of the Board
Meeting of the 16th of June
The minutes
of the Board Meeting of the 16th of June were approved unanimously,
without comment.
2 -
Activity report since June 2007
- Activities of the CEDIA since June - S.Gaule
Sean Gaule organised through the Louvain Irish Institute
for Europe the meeting, which took, place the 30th of November.
Three speakers
presented topics of great importance for the Agronomist wanting
to have a better understanding of the changes in Europe.
Catriona Ward
gave a very comprehensive introduction to the programs of research
sponsored by the Commission and more precisely the 7th Framework
Programme covering the period from 2007 to 2013. The details of
this presentation are available on the new Website of the CEDIA.
Professor Roland
Verhé from Gent University presented in detail the Implementations
of the Bologna Process in Europe, with special regard to the higher
education in Agriculture. This presentation is also available in
its totality on the new Website.
Michael Tracey,
lobbyist for the Irish Farmers organisation gave a very lively presentation
of the relations between the Commission and the professional organisations
and how these organisations can influence decisions and policies
of the Commission. A summary of this discussion shall be prepared
by (Sean Gaule) and introduced on the Website.
It was the second
meeting of this type organised by the LIIE and though the number
of speakers was smaller than in 2006, the value of the information
was high in itself and even higher with respect to the work and
processes of the Commission. It also provided ideas for possible
CEDIA actions, e.g. providing an input into the “Health Check”
of the CAP.
L.Tirelli has participated in the preparation of the 2008
Conference of UNIAGRO, the French Association of Agronomist. This
Conference shall exceptionally take place in Brussels and cover
subjects of general interest concerning the CAP and its application.
The theme of the meeting is:
For a sustainable
The tool: the CAP,
The actors: the Engineers in Life Science
The speakers
shall be of very high level and the discussions are planned to involve
personalities from different countries and horizons. The participation
of the CEDIA has been requested in order to broaden the audience
and the communication. The CEDIA shall actively participate and
shall obtain a greater visibility through the event.
The Conference
is planned to take place the 10th and 11th of October 2008 in Brussels.
UNIAGRO has applied for funding by the Commission. L.Tirelli has
participated in the preparation of the application for EC funding
which gives him some experience in the procedures.
on the progress of the organization of the Conference shall be given
2.2 - Financial situation and fees - L.Tirelli
The bank accounts
are showing a positive balance of € 20 000 before the call
for the payment of the 2007 fees (and a payment 1000 Euros overdue
from Italy).
The last General
Assembly having decided for a call of the totality of the fees for
2007, the treasurer asks for a confirmation of this decision that
shall bring the total balance in bank to 35 000 Euros. The balance
at the end of the year should be respectively of about €17
000 and € 33 000 after the payment of the last expenses.
When looking
at the Profit and Loss Account for 2007, it is appearing that only
two third of the forecast expenses shall be realised (€12 000
out of a budgeted €18 000). It reflects the relatively low
number of meetings held by CEDIA in 2007. However activity was largely
maintained by way of modern communication methods.
After discussion
the Board decided to confirm the call for the totality of the fee
for 2007, considering that having an amount in cash of about 33
000 Euros shall give a credible basis for the implementation of
projects like:
- the CPD program
(see below),
- the study
in specific seminars of important issues like:
- the
scientific basis of the impact of the GMOs on environment
and consumers,
- the
“Health Check” of the CAP and the constraints
of the EU Policies on the European farmers versus outsiders
competition etc.
- the education
and qualification in Agriculture,
- employment
services (see the progress program on employment services:
These issues deserve a study and a presentation of our conclusions
to high ranking officers from the Commission, members of the Commission
and Parliament etc, in order to have our views taken into account
in the policies developed.
Some possible
actions that would incur expense are outlined below
- Application
for funding from the EC for projects like the CPD (proper funds
from the requesting organisation are requested).
- Establishment
of contact with the permanent agronomists of various nationalities
present in the Commission, and among the various associations
(Association des Agronomes Français de Belgique for instance).
- Establishment
of relations with similar associations elsewhere e.g. (OSCAR:
Association of Agronomists – representatives to FAO).
- The continuation
and further development of contacts with organisations such as
- The maintenance
of membership of existing partners and the search for new ones.
(see paragraph 5)
- The evaluation
of the possibility of creating a training position in order to
help the Associations develop their role and their relations with
the European Institutions. EU funding to be sought.
n.b. L.Tirelli shall provide a detailed budget for 2008 covering
the various activities.
3 - Presidency situation and future
In the absence
of A. Krohn, the acting President, a limited discussion took place.
A.Krohn expressed his intention to resign for personal reasons.
The decision to accept his resignation was postponed until the next
General Assembly which shall take place in Lisbon in early June.
Nevertheless, subject to the proposal of other candidates and the
necessary approvals, Sean Gaule would be ready to become President,
provided a suitable program for action is approved, the availability
of an appropriate budget and the commitment and support of the Board
and member organisations. The Board considered this as reassuring,
bringing continuity to the ongoing development of CEDIA policy and
4 - Progress of the program of activities
News Letter: future of the News Letter - All
No News Letter
has been issued in 2007. Sean Gaule plans to write a “Catch
up” news letter, associated with the launch of the new Web
L.Tirelli shall supply summaries of the minutes of the previous
Web site: - All
Take over by ASA: Comments on the proposal. S.Gaule
The new Web site is now almost ready and Liam Morrow, the Web master
is just awaiting approval from the Board to launch it in replacement
of the previous Web site hosted by EMMA.
After a last check of the proposed site, the Board gave its approval
and decided that:
- The new Web
site shall be launched immediately.
- The new address
shall be a .eu address instead of a .be address.
- A deal shall
be made with EMMA so that during a period of 6 months the previous
address shall give access to the new site as well.
- The financial
situation with EMMA shall be settled for the end of the year.
- The problem
raised by the absence of filter on the E mail addresses appearing
on the site shall solved (spam generation). Do we really need
a link for the Administrators addresses that may not be necessary
for everybody (a link exist with the Associations sites)?
- The addresses
on the site shall be up dated (L.Tirelli to communicate).
- The mailing
list existing on the present site shall be transferred to the
new site and updated.
- The PACE
program is already introduced on the site. It is a part of the
CPD program (Continuous Permanent Development) developed by Agrilink.
PACE allows for a personal evaluation of training requirements.
It is available free for a trial period, depending on interest,
specific needs and support requirements a contract would be entered
into with the hosting company. It is very much suggested to Association
Members to propose this opportunity to their members. The extension
of the totality of the CPD program, presented several times to
the Board Members, shall be dependent on the interest generated
by the trial use of the PACE program. The Members are requested
to test it (see front page of the new site) and send their comments.
Please note that some adjustments are going to be made shortly
to make it fully interactive.
Please note
that the new website is still accessible via http://d148818.436.hosting.digiwebsite.ie
before being fully operational with its new address.
- Review of the activity program - All
In the absence
of a number of Administrators, this subject has been limited to
general trends for the future.
shall be active at the European/Commission level, and organise
on important issues, leading to a constructive common position
and a presentation of
this position to the EC at a high level in order to have an impact
on decisions (we are
representing more than 60 000 professionals with a high level
of responsibility).
has to bring benefits to its members. A good example is the PACE
introduced on the Web site that allows anyone to make a personal
evaluation of
his/her training requirements and to record training as it is
has to establish a relation with the agronomists of various nationalities
present in the Commission.
4.4 - UNIAGRO Seminar 2008 - L.Tirelli
The project
of UNIAGRO to have its annual Seminar in Brussels has already been
mentioned. It is a typical case of the use that CEDIA shall make
of the activity of one of its members. As the CEDIA does not have
a working force of its own, a contribution to the activity of its
members may bring a substantial bonus to both parties. In this case,
the CEDIA brings an International/European opening to the meeting.
It is an occasion to invite its member Associations and non-members
with a view to incite them to become members. I t also provides
a networking occasion and an opportunity to invite members from
associated Associations for a follow up meeting restricted to pure
CEDIA activities.
In that precise
case, the BOARD has decided to participate actively in the UNIAGRO
meeting of the Friday and hold a meeting on the Saturday where member
associations could exchange views.
- Progress program/employment services S.Gaule
The PACE and
CPD program have been mentioned above. Members are suggested to
test the PACE program on the site and the CPD version available
at the following address http://d148818.436.hosting.digiweb.ie
5 - Relations with the ICA, IAAS, etc. -
- The relations
with ICA that have been interrupted shall be resumed by Sean Gaule
who has a personal relation with the new President.
- The contact
with IAAS has always been loose due to the IAAS organisation.
It is nevertheless necessary to keep a contact and invite them
to some of our meetings (UNIAGRO Conference, L.Tirelli ?)
- The relation
with OSCAR to be established by Sean Gaule on the occasion of
a meeting with the FAO.
- The contacts
with VDL (Germany) and SVIAL (Switzerland) that have been recently
re established by L.Tirelli shall be tightened as these historical
members of the CEDIA are of utmost importance to us.
- The contacts
recently established by L.Tirelli with Gembloux have to be tightened.
- The contact
established with Prof. R.Verlé from the Gent University
have to be further tightened (S.Gaule, L.Tirelli)
- The contact
established by A.Krohn with the Spanish Association has to be
re activated (S.Gaule, L.Tirelli)
- The contacts
established by L.Tirelli/UNIAGRO with the AAFB have to be confirmed
and expanded with the help of AAFB to other similar associations
in Belgium.
- Through the
agronomists of the Commission, establish a contact with the national
representations of the New Members and find out about their Associations
of Agronomists (L.Tirelli )
6 - Miscellaneous
- Next meetings
- Board Meeting
and General Assembly
The next Board
Meeting shall take place in Paris at the occasion of the “Salon
de l’Agriculture”. The last time the Board visited the
Salon was during the Week End and it was over crowded. It has been
decided to make the visit the Friday 29th of February to avoid partially
the affluence (UNIAGRO organisation). The Board Meeting shall take
place on the Saturday in the UNIAGRO office with their participation.
The General
Assembly shall take place in Lisbon at the end of the first week
of June.
The President and the Vice Presidents shall meet the President of
the Portuguese Association and discuss their expectancies from the
activities of the CEDIA.
The Spanish Association shall be invited.
- Others
Sean Gaule presented
the preliminary results of the survey on the activities and proposed
strategies of the CEDIA.
Answers have
been received from Denmark, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Ireland.
France is due soon.
A first impression
from S. Gaule is that there is a lack of communication between the
representatives in the CEDIA and the Board of their national Associations.
He also pointed an interesting suggestion from Denmark, proposing
that the Board of the CEDIA should act more as a coordinator of
actions that shall be undertaken by the national Associations.
The Chairman
closed the Board Meeting at 13h00