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Cedia Employment Conference
Berlin 14th & 15 th January 2010
This conference was aimed at an examination of the employement situation, as being experienced in the current economic recession in many member countries, for Agriculture, life science and food science graduates, and a sharing of information and experiences of the job services as provided by the employment offices of our associations.
Presentations by members about employment situation in their country
Introduction and Background Presentation by Cedia President - Download
Denmark - Download
France - Download
France Conference Paper on Uniagro employment service - Download
Germany - Download
Ireland - Download
Italy - Download
Conference Pictures
(Click on image to view full size)
Stergios and George at Berlin Green Week
Rolf, Michel, Antonio and Sean
Rolf , Michel, Sean and Stergios
Stergios, Michel, Rolf and Sean
Michel Roux, SVIAL Switzerland at Berlin Green Week
Astrid Kubatsch (Germany); Giuliano D'Antonio (Italy); Sean Gaule (Ireland) ;Antonio Comparetti (Italy); Rolf Schwerdtfeger (Germany) ; Michel Roux (Switzerland).
Antonio Comparetti (Italy)
Lucie Martin (France); Antonio Comparetti (Italy); Michel Roux (Switzerland)
Lucie Martin (France)
Rolf Schwerdtfeger (Germany); Lucie Martin (France) ;Giuliano D'Antonio (Italy);Sean Gaule (Ireland)
Rolf Schwerdtfeger (Germany); Lucie Martin (France);Giuliano D'Antonio (Italy);Sean Gaule (Ireland )
Stergios Vergos (Greece); George Photiou (Cyprus)