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Cedia European Conferences

For several years Cedia has organised an annual conference with the collaboration of one or other of its member associations. On occasion, as in 2009, Cedia may join forces with an associate organisation e.g. ICA. On occasion .also, which is now becoming the more usual practise, a member association takes the lead in organising a conference or event to which Cedia board members and member associations are invited to attend. An event, a visit of interest or a specialised meeting is usually organised in conjunction with a board meeting.

I st Conference

Dates: 15-16 October 1991
Place: Brussels - BELGIUM
Theme: Environment and Agriculture: Lasting solutions

II nd Conference

Dates: 07-08 June 1993
Place: Brussels - BELGIUM
Theme: CAP - Reform: Adapting agronomy training to new job market conditions

III rd Conference

Dates: 13-15 October 1996
Place: Copenhagen - DENMARK
Theme: A world market for Agronomists: Can a starving and a well fed communicate?
A dialogue on the role of the graduates in agriculture in the future food production and distribution.

IV th Conference

Dates: 28-30 June 1997
Place: Lausanne - SWITZERLAND
Theme: An agricultural and an agro-industrial production respectful of the Environment : Production - Processing - Marketing

V th Conference

Dates: 25-27 June 1999
Place: Paris - FRANCE
Theme: Contribution of the European agronomic engineers to the sustainable Development in a world-wide context

VI th Conference

Dates: 24-26 June 2000
Place: Lisbon - PORTUGAL
Theme: The use of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) in Agriculture

VII th Conference

Dates: 22-23 June 2001
Place: Bonn - GERMANY
Theme: The Agronomist in Europe in Responsibility for Safe Food Production and Landscape Management

IX th Conference

Dates: 1-2 March 2002
Place: Brussels - BELGIUM
Theme: The Bologna process: harmonisation of the diplomas in Europe

Xth Conference

Dates: 10/12TH of June 2009
Place: Leuven - Belgium
Theme: Professionals – Education - Trade/Industry/Services

Other Major Conferences

IV World Congress of Agricultural Scientists
Dates: 26 Oct to 1 Nov 2008
Place: Madrid

V World Congress of Agricultural Scientists
Dates: 17 to 21st Sept 2012
Place: Quebec City , Canada

Note: Cedia is the European Regional representative of the World Association of Agronomists


Other Events

Job Services Meetings Paris 2003
  Bonn 2005
  Rome 2006
  Zurich 2006
  Leuven 2009
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Meetings
  Armagh - Ireland 2006 (Organised by ASA and NIIAS)
  Copenhagen – Denmark 2007
ICA (Association for European Life Sciences Universities) Congresses
(Cedia participation as Associate member organisation)
Prague -2006
  Lleida - Spain 2008
  Leuven - 2009
  Zagreb- 2010
  Beauvais - 2011
Leuven 2005 EU Policy Issues and Representation
Limassol 2006 CPD (Continuous Professional Development)
Leuven 2006 EU Policy Issues and Representation
Leuven 2007 EU Policy Issues and Representation
Lisbon 2008 Water management Issues / visits
Copenhagen 2008 Nordic congress –Environmental issues
Berlin 2010 Employment situation - Agricultural Graduates
Leuven 2010 EU Policy Issues and Representation
Dublin 2011 Review of services to member associations
Board Meetings / General Assembly and Associated events 2001 to Date
2001 - Brussels 22nd October
2002 - Brussels 11th January
2002 - Brussels 2nd March
2003 - Kilkenny 14th Sept (ASA Conference / Farm visits)
2004 - Brussels 8th January
2004 - Bonn 6th June (Job Services seminar)
2005 - Paris Feb 26th (Visit Paris Agricultural Fair )
2005 - Rome 28th May (Meeting with FAO representatives-cooperation / development)
2005 - Brussels 10th Sept
2005 - Brussels 3RD Dec (Extraordinary general assembly - Statutes)
2006 - Limassol 29th April (Visits to Cypriot Agricultural enterprises)
2006 - Leuven 14/15 Dec (Seminar and development of Cedia strategy document)
2007 - Copenhagen 16th June (CPD seminar visits to University and brewing industry)
2007 - Leuven 1 Dec (Seminar CAP policy and technical issues–representation)
2008 - Paris 1st February (Visit agricultural fair)
2008 - Lisbon 23rd May (Seminar and agricultural visits)
2008 - Copenhagen 20th Sept (Nordic Group Seminar)
2008 - Madrid 27TH October (World Congress of Agricultural Scientists)
2009 - Paris 21st Feb (Conference planning /visit to Agricultural Fairs)
2009 - Leuven 9th/ 10th June (Cedia / ICA conference)
2010 - Berlin 13th /15th January ( Employment conference)
2010 - Leuven 30th Sept 1st Oct (Seminar / EU representational visits)
2011 - Dublin 17th / 18th June (Seminar Services to members )