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World Association of Agronomists

The World Association of Agronomists, known as AMIA, was founded by representatives from thirty countries on September 8, 1994 in Santiago, Chile, as a result of the First World Congress of Professionals in Agronomy. Its purposes are to unify, coordinate, and represent associations of agronomists throughout the world, promote the practice of such profession, its academic excellence and professional ethics, promote the social and economic development of the rural sector and represent agrarian rights in international forums and before governments - Download Full Association Bylaws

Presentation Outlining AMIA background, purpose, identity, membership, and work lines (Feb 2009) - Download

Current members of the Executive

Presidente: Ing. Agr. PhD María Cruz Díaz Alvarez, de España decanato@agronomoscentro.org
Secretario General: Ing. Agr. PhD Rosario García Moreno, de España decanato@agronomoscentro.org
Primer Vicepresidente: Ing. Agr. PhD Carlos Pieta Filho, de Brasil pietaepieta@hotmail.com
Vicepresidente de América: Ing. Agr. Héctor Glower Delgado, de México
Vicepresidente de Europa: Sean Gaule, CEDIA, de Ireland
Sean.Gaule@agriculture.gov.ie; seangaule@gmail.com
Vicepresidente de África, Asia:

Lyonnel Tirelli, France

Secretarías técnicas: Florindo Dalberto, Brasil (América del sur ) aea.ld@sercomtel.com.
Conrad Bernier, Canadá, bernierconrad@gmail.com
Bernal Méndez Árias, Costa Rica,
bernamen65@hotmail.com (North America)