Cedia Member Associations
BELGIUM: http://www.kviv.be/ |
ITALY: www.agronomi.it |
CYPRUS: www.agronom.org.cy |
NORTHERN IRELAND: www.niias.co.uk |
DENMARK: www.ja.dk |
PORTUGAL: www.ordemengenheiros.pt |
FRANCE: www.uniagro.fr |
SPAIN: www.agronomoscentro.org |
GERMANY: www.vdl.de/ |
SWITZERLAND: www.svial.ch |
GREECE: www.geotee.gr |
UNITED KINGDOM: www.basis-reg.com |
IRELAND: www.asaireland.ie |
Associate Associations |
NORWAY: www.naturviterne.no |
FINLAND: www.agronomiliitto.fi |
SWEDEN: www.agronomforbundet.se |
CZECH REPUBLIC: www.iaas.cz |
Other Professional Agricultural Associations
World Association of Agronomists – http://www.worldagronomistsassociation.org/ |
Association for European Life Sciences Universities (ICA) – http://www.ica-europe.info/ |
International Farm Management Association – http://www.ifmaonline.org/ |
European Society of Agronomy (ESA) – http://www.esagr.org/structure/ |
American Society of Agronomy – https://www.agronomy.org/ |
Ontario Institute of Agrologists (OIA) – http://www.oia.on.ca/ |
Australian Society of Agronomy – http://www.agronomy.org.au/ |
The Association of Applied Biologists Uk – http://www.aab.org.uk/ |
Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature
http://www.euracadagri.com |
Claiu – EU Directive Professionels – http://claiu.fabi.be/ |
European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) – http://www.eaae.org |
I.S.L.E. Erasmus Network – http://www.isle-project.eu/ |
The Mesothelioma Center https://www.asbestos.com/occupations/farmers/ |
EU Institutions
Europa – The European Union On-Line – http://europa.eu/ |
The united voice of farmers in the EU: http:.//www.copa-cogeca.be |
Regulations printed in the Official Journal:
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/JOIndex.do?ihmlang=en |
Website search for EU legislation: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/en/ |
EU Agriculture Information:
http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/publi/capleaflet/cap_en.htm |
EU Food Quality Information: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/quality/ |
EU Animal Health and Welfare Information:
http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/index_en.htm |
EU Fisheries Information: http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp_en.htm |
Euractiv EU News and Policy Debates – http://www.euractiv.com |
EU Animal Health Strategy:
http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/diseases/strategy/whatis_cahp_en.htm |
Agrolinker: A Portal for Students and Scholars of Agriculture and Forestry – http://www.agrolinker.com/ |
National Ministries for Agriculture
EU Member States: |
Candidate countries: |
– Vlaamse Gemeenschap
– Région Wallonne |
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
Bulgaria |
Croatia |
Czech Republic |
Turkey |
Denmark |
Germany |
Estonia |
Others: |
Ireland |
United States |
Greece |
Canada |
Spain |
Australia |
France |
New Zealand |
Italy |
Japan |
Cyprus |
South Africa |
Latvia |
Russian Federation |
Lithuania |
Belarus |
Luxembourg |
Ukraine |
Hungary |
Norway |
Malta |
Iceland |
Netherlands |
Switzerland |
Austria |
Poland |
Portugal |
Romania |
Slovenia |
Slovakia |
Finland |
Sweden |
United Kingdom |